See you at Thriftworks!


hours of operation
*New Hours*
Tuesday – Saturday 10AM – 5PM
Closed Sunday – Tuesday
We will be closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day,
New Years Eve, and New Years Day. Thank you!!
Your Donation Goes Far with ThriftWorks
ThriftWorks is a 501(c)3 nonprofit thrift store and all proceeds from ThriftWorks sales go to support Santa Fe youth.
At ThriftWorks we provide job training for youth, support local artists, reduce waste by giving old items new life, and raise funds to uplift Santa Fe youth on the path to success.

Items We Accept Include
- Art
- Clothing
- Furniture
- Collectibles
- Fitness Equipment
- Small Kitchen Appliances
- Household Goods
- Outdoor Gear
We also accept donations of new unused items for youth receiving services including: interview clothes and shoes, personal hygiene products, new men’s and women’s underwear, backpacks, used and new bikes, sleeping bags, shelf stable food.
Note: Due to safety considerations and space constraints, we cannot accept office furniture, wooden filing cabinets, tube TVs, used mattresses, bike or snow sport helmets, used underwear, used box springs, or aerosol or propane tanks. See full details regarding donation restrictions below.
Schedule Donation Drop Off 505-428-0386
Items we cannot accept include
Your donations we receive are greatly appreciated, however, due to space limitations and safety issues, there are some items that we are unable to accept or sell to our shoppers. In the case of these items, we must pay to dispose of them, reducing the revenue available for donations to our non-profit agency.
ThriftWorks cannot accept these items:
- Mattresses
- Cribs, car seats and infant/baby equipment
- Text books or reference books
- Large appliances — refrigerators, washers, dryers, or large microwaves, etc
- Televisions, computers, or printers
- Lighting fixtures WITHOUT PLUGS
- Used paint, flammable liquids or construction materials
- Helmets
Please call ThriftWorks if you have questions regarding your donation: 505-428-0386

Visit Us
Contact us
Open Hours
Wed – Sat: 10am – 5pm
Closed Sunday – Tuesday