YouthWorks Job Training
Job training at YouthWorks focuses on preparation for successful integration of youth into the working world. We help prepare youth through mentorship, training, education, transferable skill development, and establishing strong work habits.
Our initial training program has grown to include robust career development, apprenticeship, and job placement service. We provide wages and stipends for approximately 200 young people each year.
We seek to place young people in a variety of employment settings, including private business operations, non-profit organizations, arts-based institutions, academic institutions, healthcare, and many more.

Construction, Weatherization, and Restoration
Working with partners like Habitat for Humanity, youth find direct pathways into employment through stipend-based construction training.
With support from our national partner, rigorously trained youth crews deliver residential energy retrofits for vulnerable households.
Other youth crews learn how to mitigate wildfire dangers, protect local watersheds, and increase climate resilience, in addition to completing restoration and beautification projects along the Santa Fe River.

Catering, Screen Printing, and Healthcare
We run our own catering company while teaching youth valuable foodservice skills, in addition to offering screen printing services, and certification-based home healthcare trainings.
Get your Business connected to YouthWorks
If you would like to participate in our apprenticeship program or simply get more info, call or email Rachel Moore, our Workforce & Engagement Personnel Director today.